Vision, patience, delicacy, skill, steady -- these are the qualities required for turning eggshells into works of art.
Eggshells are both extremely fragile and extremely strong. A slight tap can fracture, while a heavy mamma bird can sit on an eggshell and it can hold her up without cracking.
We are featuring the works of artists who carve openings into fragile shells, producing amazing lacy sculptures. Check out these gorgeous carved eggs below.

Carlos Neves, of OvoSeven, transforms eggs into elaborate filigrees, taking eggshells, most commonly considered as waste items, and renewing them, giving them life as art.

While they are stunning sculptures worthy of pedestals, they are even more impressive when held up to the light so you can see the incredible detail of his carvings.

Patience, skill, and artistry are not enough to explain how Neves achieves his intricate cuts in such a fragile material without it cracking or shattering. Perhaps there is magic at play as well?

Award-winning artist Tamera Seevers honed her skills on jewelry design, stained glass art, and pyrography, before she took on the art of egg carving.

“A realization that life is fragile, short and consistently changing allowed the currents of life within me to visualize a new work of creation,” Seevers tells us.

Seevers creates heirlooms. Each sculpture can take weeks or sometimes months for her to carve.

“Each sculpture whispers to me as I create and define the piece by removing the coarse exterior gently prodding each piece to unveil its secret beauty, whether it is exposing the emotion of a delicate flower, the fluttering wings of a bird, or bringing to life the majesty of a wild elk.”

Check out “The Art of Tamera Seevers” book. And see more of her amazing works at Tamera Seevers Studio.

Faberge inspires Brian Baity to create his own egg art wonders. Baity transforms ostrich, emu, rhea, and goose eggs into incredible masterpieces.

It’s hard to imagine how Baity produces such delicate carvings in such fragile material.

“When I sculpt, I do it deliberately and consciously. The innovative and cutting-edge techniques come from deep within my subconscious, which becomes my ultimate tour guide through the creative process,” Baity explains.

Watch Baity craft his intricate creations here.

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