Arts Design


Courtesy of The Land Art Generator Initiative.


The art of energy takes shape with the Land Art Generator Initiative (LAGI), a biennial public art contest. The entries illustrate the possibility of marrying aesthetics with renewable energy and water technology. They also serve to educate us about the challenges of addressing climate change and feeding a burgeoning population.

Courtesy of The Land Art Generator Initiative. “Flowerpops,” conceived & designed by Augusto Audissoni, Silvia Cama, Elisabetta Lo Grasso, Elisa Tozzi, & Nicolò Mossin.The most recent theme was “Clean Water,” to acknowledge California’s 5th year of serious drought. Check out a sampling of the most beautiful entries below.

Courtesy of The Land Art Generator Initiative.


“Flowerpops,” conceived and designed by Augusto Audissoni, Silvia Cama, Elisabetta Lo Grasso, Elisa Tozzi, & Nicolò Mossink, of Genoa, Italy is a massive artificial garden that produces 13,000 megawatts of electricity annually.

Water lily inspired buoys, outfitted with solar panels, float along the ocean’s surface, harnessing wave power.

At night, stored energy can power 2,000 LED lights.

Courtesy of The Land Art Generator Initiative.


“Horizon Lines,” conceived and designed by Rebecca Borowiecki, of Boulder, Colorado, uses giant transparent solar panels, anchored in the ocean, that mimic the crests and breaks of waves. It is expected to produce 625 megawatt hours of electricity each year.

Courtesy of The Land Art Generator Initiative.


“Ring Garden,” conceived and designed by Alexandru Predonu, of Bucharest, Romania, is a rotating circular structure that can use saltwater, carbon dioxide and sunlight to produce food, animal feed, and drinking water.

Ring Garden contains a vegetable garden and a desalination plant to filter water for planting. Residual salt can be used to grow spirulina algae for animal feed.

Courtesy of The Land Art Generator Initiative.


“Regatta H2O,” conceived and designed by Christopher Sjoberg, Ryo Saito, of Tokyo, uses mesh sails, lined with troughs to collect moisture from fog to produce desalinated water. The sails also generate 70 megawatt hours of electricity per year from wind power.

Courtesy of The Land Art Generator Initiative.


“Big Beach Balloon,” conceived and designed by Matt Kuser, of Carmel, CA, tethers a giant helium balloon, lined with ultra-thin solar cells, to a pier. It can generate about 300 megawatt hours of electricity per year.

Courtesy of The Land Art Generator Initiative.


“2000 Lighthouses Over the Sea,” conceived and designed by Louis Joanne, Anaelle Toquet Etesse, Elba Adriana Bravo, Maria Rojas Alcazar, & Ronan Audebert,  Guadalajara, Mexico, is a collection of 2,000 columns that are attached to wave energy generators in the ocean. Together, they can generate 4,000 megawatt hours of electricity each year.

Courtesy of The Land Art Generator Initiative.


“Cnidaria Halitus,” conceived and designed by John Eric Chung, Pablo La Roche, Danxi Zou, Jingyan Zhang, & Tianyi Deng, of Los Angeles, is a jellyfish inspired pipe system, powered by tidal energy, that desalinates seawater. It uses a lens to concentrate sunlight which produces heat to boil and vaporize water. It can produce 600,000 liters of drinkable water daily.

Read more about Beautiful Energy in The Most Beautiful Energy From The Sun Now, The Most Beautiful Nature of Energy Now and Beautiful Flaming Cocktails = Beautiful Energy Now.

And check out more beautiful things happening now in BN Arts/Design, Nature/Science, Food/Drink, Place/Time, Mind/Body, and Soul/Impact Daily Fix posts.

Courtesy of The Land Art Generator Initiative.Want more stories like this? Sign up for our weekly BN Newsletter, Like us on Facebook. Follow us on Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, Tumblr. Join our BeautifulNow Community and connect with the most beautiful things happening in the world right now!

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Courtesy of The Land Art Generator Initiative.


  1. Image: Courtesy of The Land Art Generator Initiative. “Flowerpops,” conceived & designed by Augusto Audissoni, Silvia Cama, Elisabetta Lo Grasso, Elisa Tozzi, & Nicolò Mossin.
  2. Image: Courtesy of The Land Art Generator Initiative. “Big Beach Balloon,” conceived & designed by Matt Kuser.
  3. Image: Courtesy of The Land Art Generator Initiative. “Flowerpops,” conceived & designed by Augusto Audissoni, Silvia Cama, Elisabetta Lo Grasso, Elisa Tozzi, & Nicolò Mossin.
  4. Image: Courtesy of The Land Art Generator Initiative. “Horizon Lines,” conceived & designed by Rebecca Borowiecki.
  5. Image: Courtesy of The Land Art Generator Initiative. “Ring Garden,” conceived & designed by Alexandru Predonu.
  6. Image: Courtesy of The Land Art Generator Initiative. “Regatta H2O,” conceived & designed by Christopher Sjoberg, Ryo Saito.
  7. Image: Courtesy of The Land Art Generator Initiative. “Big Beach Balloon,” conceived & designed by Matt Kuser.
  8. Image: Courtesy of The Land Art Generator Initiative. “2000 Lighthouses Over the Sea,” conceived & designed by Louis Joanne, Anaelle Toquet Etesse, Elba Adriana Bravo, Maria Rojas Alcazar, & Ronan Audebert.
  9. Image: Courtesy of The Land Art Generator Initiative. “Cnidaria Halitus,” conceived & designed by John Eric Chung, Pablo La Roche, Danxi Zou, Jingyan Zhang, & Tianyi Den.
  10. Image: Courtesy of The Land Art Generator Initiative. “Ring Garden,” conceived & designed by Alexandru Predonu.
  11. Image: by BN App - Download now!
  12. Image: Courtesy of The Land Art Generator Initiative. “The Flying Steelhead of Santa Monica,” created & conceived by Winfield Scott Balcom, Adom Balcom.