

We got all into the foraging thing after researching last week’s post, "New Food: Beautiful, Wild & Free". And beaches are very fruitful foraging spots. There’s a bounty of fish and shellfish, of course. But we also get loads of seaweed and kelp. And, for something sweet --- beach plums!


We’ve rounded up some beautiful ideas and recipes for the ultimate beach food. We’ve got kelp for starters.

Photo: Kelly Funk


Loads of kelp wash up on our beaches, although we don’t normally think of bringing it home for dinner. While it’s eaten in Japanese and other Asian cultures, even there, it has its fairly limited repertoires. But now, thanks to some innovative farmers and chefs, kelp is about to become the next “it” superfood. It’s jammed with vitamins, minerals and antioxidants galore.


The first "3D" kelp farm has been established in the US on Long Island, NY, and is already getting the attention of cutting edge restauranteurs. Bren Smith, with the help of Dr. Charlie Yarish, of UCONN, Woods Hole Marine Biological Laboratory, and BRASTEC Sound School, is growing kelp as a cash crop. It’s grown vertically, on long lines, down into the sea.

Photo: Courtesy of Thimble Island Oyster


Smith’s farm business, Thimble Island Oyster Company, is groundbreaking. Barton Seaver, Director of Harvard’s Healthy and Sustainable Food Program considers Smith a “visionary” for his pioneering efforts to develop sustainable ocean farming.

Photo: Courtesy of Naked Avocado


While it may not look all that yummy at first blush, you’ll be amazed at what you can do with kelp. We love turning it into fettuccine. When you cut it into quarter-inch wide long strips, you get an automatically al dente pile ready to carry your sauce to stardom. Top chefs, such as Morimoto, and their customers are gobbling it up. Smith has trouble keeping up with demand.

Photo: Courtesy of Austronesian Expeditions


Beyond providing new access to an underutilized food source, Smith’s farm cleans the waters, helping to restore ocean ecosystems, mitigate climate change, and boost local maritime economies.


In 2013, Smith was chosen as one of six “Ocean Heroes” by Oceana and Future of Fish’s “Ocean Entrepreneur” of the year.  You can learn more about the future of ocean farming by reading “Farming the Urban Sea,” and Smith's OpEd piece published in National Geographic’s Ocean Voices. You can read more in the New Yorker Magazine profile and Peter Meehan's article, "Sea Farming at the End of the World" in Lucky Peach Magazine.


David Santos, chef of Manhattan restaurant, Louro, created a Japanese inspired 5-course fresh kelp dinner with kelp cocktail pairings by Evoe.

Photo: Courtesy of Thimble Island Oyster


Here’s the menu:


Cocktails by Mayur Subbarao, Evoe:


  • Thimble Island Shooter (Sangrita, Mezcal, Kelp)

  • Green Blood Maria (Kelp, Tomato Water, Celery, Habanero, Lime)

  • Tuesdays With Rene (Kelp & Horseradish Aquavit, Carrot, Honey, Lemon)

  • Islay Ferry (Kelp-Infused Blended Whisky, Madeira, Cane Syrup, Peychaud’s Bitters)


Bites by Chef Dave Santos:


  • Crostini with Kelp Butter

  • Pickled Kelp

  • Scallop & Halibut Sushi (Calasparra Rice with House-Made Kelp Vinegar & Togarashi Marinated with Kelp)

  • Pork Belly with Kelp Salad

  • Kelp Tempura with Smoked Paprika Aioli

  • Kelp Fettuccine with Lump Crabmeat & Uni Butter

Photo: Courtesy of Hemsley and Hemsley


Kelp noodles...


We found an extremely innovative recipe for kelp noodles by Melissa and Jasmine Hemsley, of Hemsley and Hemsley. They’re a bit like Asian glass noodles. Here, they’re like a healthy tricked out instant ramen. It’s so easy, you don’t even have to cook it.


Simply fill a heatproof jar with an assortment of vegetables, artisanal barley miso, ginger, and a handful of kelp noodles.  Add hot water. And top with a soft boiled egg. But in case you want the full tilt recipe:





  • 1.5 tsps dark unpasteurised fermented miso (we like Clearspring)
  • 35 g kelp noodles (we like Sea tangle)
  • 1 heaped handful of raw or lightly cooked vegetables - we used:
  • 6 chopped green beans
  • 3 florets of broccoli
  • 1 medium mushroom, sliced
  • 2 slices of red pepper
  • 1 tbs dulse
  • 2 leaves of pak choy, sliced finely
  • 1 tsp finely diced or grated ginger
  • 1 spring onion, sliced
  • 1 tablespoon chopped fresh coriander
  • A squeeze of fresh lemon or lime juice
  • Optional: fresh chilli, cooked quinoa, a soft boiled egg (chopped)
  • **Other vegetables to try: red cabbage, green cabbage, kale or chard, finely sliced carrot, celery or courgette, fresh mint



  1. Rinse the kelp noodles and drain
  2. Prepare the vegetables
  3. Chop the ginger, garlic, spring onions, herbs and chilli if using
  4. Add everything to the jar with the miso. Keep refrigerated until ready to eat.
  5. Five minutes before you want to eat, boil the kettle, allow to rest for a moment before filling the jar, leaving 2 cms from the top. Stir and let sit for 5 minutes. Stir again before diving in.


Serves 1

Check out the rest of our Beautiful Beach posts all this week, including stories in Arts/Design, Food/Drink, Mind/Body, Place/Time, Nature/Science, and Soul Impact. And enter this week's photo competition. The theme: Beaches (Deadline, August 25th, 2013).