

Sunset behind a historic border monument standing in the desert. Photo by Marcos Ramírez and David Taylor.
By Marcos Ramírez ‘ERRE’ and David Taylor. “Border Monument.”


Two artists, one Mexican and one American, set out to reframe the history of the U.S.-Mexico border with a 2,400-mile-long site-specific installation, DeLIMITations. At a riveting talk hosted at The Photography Show, presented by AIPAD 2019, Marcos Ramírez ‘ERRE’ and David Taylor discuss their collaboration to trace the boundary as it existed in 1821, when Mexico encompassed all of present day California, Nevada, Utah, Arizona, New Mexico, and Texas, as well as portions of four other states.

The artists strategically installed 47 steel obelisks at sites along the 3,721-miles that would demarcate that binational boundary. The borderline is seen by many Mexicans as “a scar, a wound that won’t heal,” as Mexico lost 500,000 square miles of territory after the Mexican-American War.

The U.S.-Mexico border has been the subject of increased attention and heated debate since Donald Trump declared is mission to build a permanent wall along a 2,000-mile boundary line.

DeLIMITations is also on exhibition at Rick Wester Fine Art.

See more images below. And see more AIPAD 2019 highlights all this week on BeautifulNow.

Stay tuned for updates on the rescheduling of Paris Photo New York once the COVID-19 pandemic subsides.

Historic border monument stands along Oregon Trail in Wyoming. Photo by Marcos Ramírez and David Taylor.
By Marcos Ramírez ‘ERRE’ and David Taylor. “Border Monument No.12.”
Historic border monument stands along ocean shoreline in Oregon. Photo by Marcos Ramírez ERRE and David Taylor.
Historic border monument stands in Lechuguilla mountains. Photo by Marcos Ramírez ERRE and David Taylor.
By Marcos Ramírez ‘ERRE’ and David Taylor. “Border Monument No.190.”
Historic border monument in backyard. Photo by Marcos Ramírez ERRE and David Taylor.
By Marcos Ramírez ‘ERRE’ and David Taylor. “Border Monument No.16.”
Historic border monument stands amid desert shrubs. Photo by Marcos Ramírez ERRE and David Taylor.
By Marcos Ramírez ‘ERRE’ and David Taylor. “Border Monument No.11.”
Historic border monument stands in the forest. Photo by Marcos Ramírez ERRE and David Taylor.
Marcos Ramírez ‘ERRE’ and David Taylor. “Border Monument No.2.”
Historic border monument placed in northern Colorado. Photo by Marcos Ramírez ERRE and David Taylor.
By Marcos Ramírez ‘ERRE’ and David Taylor. “Border Monument No.20.”
Marcos Ramírez ‘ERRE’ and David Taylor in front of US-Mexico border fence.
By Guillermo Arias. Untitled. Marcos Ramírez ‘ERRE’ and David Taylor in front of US-Mexico border fence.
Two-headed wooden Trojan horse stands near US-Mexico border crossing checkpoint. Sculpture by Marcos Ramírez ERRE.
Sculpture by Marcos Ramírez ‘ERRE’. “Toy-an Horse.”

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