

 Photo Ark by Joel Sartore. Courtesy of National Geographic. Malayan Tapir.

Gifts are even more beautiful when they positively impact our the planet. National Geographic is offering prints from its magnificent Photo Ark project, that are especially beautiful gifts on both counts.

Photo Ark, a multi-year project, led by photographer Joel Sartore, aims to raise awareness around the beauty and importance of our endangered animal species.

Shocking, but true, about half of all plant and animal species are projected to go extinct by 2100!

Sartore hopes to capture gorgeous portraits of all the world’s 12,000 captive species, while he still can, in order to inspire people to save them from extinction. He has already photographed over 5,000 species! 

Plus, we’ve rounded up a few other incredible prints from National Geographic that make perfect gifts for animal lovers. Check them out throughout this post.


This incredible photo of an endangered Whooping Crane (Grus americana) makes the perfect gift for any avian enthusiast. This bird’s story is impressive. It almost went extinct in the mid 20th century, but the US and Canada took action to help save it. It is tallest bird in North America.

This photo was taken by Joel Sartore at the Audubon Center for Research of Endangered Species in New Orleans, Louisiana. Purchase a print of it here.


The Guianan Cock-of-the-Rock (Rupicola rupicola) is bright and flashy, with strong claws which enable it to nest on the rocky cliffs of the Andes. It also plays a crucial environmental role. This bird eats mostly fruit, and as it travels, it passes seeds onto the ground.

Joel Sartore captured this gorgeous creature at Dallas World Aquarium in Texas. You can buy his print here.


The wise-looking Spectacled Owl (Pulsatrix perspicillata), indigenous to Southern Mexico, Paraguay, Brazil, and Argentina, lives in lower elevations, but can survive at heights up to 4,000 feet.

This beautiful bird was captured by Joel Sartore at New York State Zoo in Watertown, New York. Purchase the print as a gift here.


The purple glossy starling (Lamprotornis purpureus) sports shiny feathers in shades of emerald, violet, and aqua. It is one of more than 100 species of starlings worldwide, and one of 22 glossy starlings that live in Africa. This magnificent bird occupies the savannas and woodlands of northern Africa. It feasts on fruits, berries, seeds, and vertebrates.

This bird was photographed at Kansas City Zoo, Missouri, by Joel Sartore. You can grab one of these prints here.


Javan rhinoceros hornbills (Buceros rhinoceros silvestris) have wild beaks, that look similar to those of horned land mammals. These birds in flight are a sight to see. Their sleek black wings curve towards their heads, while their bright white tail feathers, with a semicircle of black, beautifully fan out.

Joel Sartore captured this extraordinary species at Cincinnati Zoo, Ohio. Support its survival by purchasing one of his prints here.


The purple-banded sunbird (Nectarinia bifasciata) is beautifully colorful. The males have a wider shimmery maroon band. They are native to the southern African coastal bush, mangroves, and lowland evergreen forests. They can also live in riverine forests and thickets, as well as the occasional garden, further inland.

This beautiful bird was photographed at Gorongosa National Park, Mozambique, by Joel Sartore. You can look it it all day long if you buy one of his prints here.


These southern African blue waxbills (Uraeginthus angolensis) make beautiful mates. They form pairs within small flocks. But they’re even cuter than that. They also sleep next to their mates on perches, and preen them, too.

Purchase a print of Joel Sartore’s photo, taken in Gorongosa National Park, Mozambique, here.

Read more about Beautiful Gifts, as it relates to Arts/Design, Nature/Science, Food/Drink, Place/Time, Mind/Body, and Soul/Impact including BN 2105 Gift Guide Volume 2: 10 Gorgeous Books to Give NowBN 2015 Gift Guide Volume 2:10 Beautiful Nature, Science & Tech Gifts NowBN 2015 Gift Guide Volume 2: 10 Beautiful Spirits & Sweets To Give NowBN 2015 Gift Guide Volume 2: 10 Beautiful Art & Design Pieces to Give NowBN 2015 Gift Guide Volume 2: 10 Gorgeous Travel Gifts To Give Now and BN 2015 Gift Guide Volume 2: Beautiful Delights for Mind & Body Now.

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  1. Image: by Joel Sartore. Courtesy of National Geographic. Photo Ark. Malayan Tapir.
  2. Image: by Joel Sartore. Courtesy of National Geographic. Photo Ark. Endangered Francois' Langurs (Trachypithecus francoisi), Henry Doorly Zoo and Aquarium, Omaha.
  3. Image: by Joel Sartore. Courtesy of National Geographic. Photo Ark. The Clouded Leopard (Neofelis nebulosa).
  4. Image: by Joel Sartore. Courtesy of National Geographic. Photo Ark. Sunda Pangolin at the Carnivore & Pangolin Conservation Center in Vietnam.
  5. Image: by Joel Sartore. Courtesy of National Geographic. Photo Ark. Whooping Crane.
  6. Image: by Joel Sartore. Courtesy of National Geographic. Photo Ark. Guianan Cock-of-the-Rock.
  7. Image: by Joel Sartore. Courtesy of National Geographic. Photo Ark. Spectacled Owl.
  8. Image: by Joel Sartore. Courtesy of National Geographic. Photo Ark. Purple Glossy Starling.
  9. Image: by Joel Sartore. Courtesy of National Geographic. Photo Ark. Javan Rhinoceros Hornbill.
  10. Image: by Joel Sartore. Courtesy of National Geographic. Photo Ark. Purple-Banded Sunbird.
  11. Image: by Joel Sartore. Courtesy of National Geographic. Photo Ark. Blue Waxbill.
  12. Image: by Joel Sartore. Courtesy of National Geographic. Photo Ark. Rajah, an endangered male, White Bengal Tiger (Panthera tigris tigris) at Alabama Gulf Coast Zoo.
  13. Image: by Joel Sartore. Courtesy of National Geographic. Photo Ark. An endangered Indian Rhinoceros female with calf (Rhinoceros unicornis) at the Fort Worth Zoo.
  14. Image: by BN App - Download now!
  15. Image: by Joel Sartore. Courtesy of National Geographic. Photo Ark. Gold Golden Snub-Nosed Monkey. Fig.