There have been exciting new developments in the study of atmospheres, both on our planet earth and beyond. Check out the beautiful findings below.
The Earth's atmosphere is in a constant state of flux. Dramatic changes can occur over the course of just 24 hours. NASA has been able to visualize these changes, including dust storms, carbon bursts, cyclones, and sea salt swirls, to name just a few, by using sophisticated climate models.
NASA's new "Paint by Particle" video illustrates Earth's aerosol movement (the suspension of airborne particles) over the course of one year. Using mathematical experiments, researchers can time shift to see how winds were moving aerosols at any given period of time.
Different colors show different particles: dust (red), sea salt (blue), sulphate (white) and black and organic carbon (green).
The visuals are truly beautiful. But they also provide critical insight into how these particles influence the entire planet's climate. It is a major computational achievement.
The presence of water in an atmosphere could mean that life is, or was, possible. And now, water vapor has been detected in the atmosphere of one of the first planets outside our solar system ever identified by astronomers.
The planet, called Tau Boötis b, was discovered in 1996. It is about 51 light-years away.It is a giant ball of hot gas, orbiting close to its sun -- nicknamed a "hot Jupiter."
Scientists used an advanced spectrograph to analyze the atmosphere surrounding Tau Boötis b. Each type of molecule emits its own particular wavelength of light, which indicates its unique chemical identify.
Spectrographic analyses has discovered water signatures on other planets outside our solar system, aka exoplanets, before. But, it has always relied upon the glow of parent stars.
This time, Near Infrared Echelle Spectrograph (NIRSPEC) at the Keck Observatory in Hawaii was able to detect water by analyzing the planet’s weak glow.
This opens up the possibilities for scientists to find water in the atmospheres of billions of exoplanets in our Milky Way.
Astronomers found the first evidence of an exoplanet in 1992. Since then, over 1,000 more have been discovered.
Water vapor is part of Saturn’s atmosphere as well, according to another recent NASA discovery. It was found by NASA's Cassini orbiter when it captured a massive storm, measuring 9,300 miles wide, moving across the planet’s surface.
In addition to water ice, cloud particles sitting at the top of the storm are composed of ammonia ice and what is believed to be ammonium hydrosulfide.
Find out more about the composition of Saturn's atmosphere in the recent findings published in the journal Icarus.
Watch the video of the storm here.
Into the Atmosphere is the latest time lapse film, created by photographer and filmmaker Michael Shainblum.
It beautifully focuses on clouds and changing weather at numerous locations around California over a period of a year.
Into The Atmosphere from Michael Shainblum on Vimeo.
Into The Atmosphere from Michael Shainblum on Vimeo.
California’s deserts, mountains, and beaches, each has their own atmospheric conditions. Over 75,000 photographs were edited down to 12,500 for the final cut.
Imagine blowtorching the atmosphere on a cosmic level. Scientists recently determined the cobalt blue color of another hot Jupiter planet outside our solar system, 63 light years away.
It is the first time anyone could determine the color of an exoplanet. They measured the amount of light reflected off the exoplanet’s surface as it eclipsed its host star.
"The daytime temperature is nearly 2,000 degrees Fahrenheit, and it possibly rains glass -- sideways -- in howling, 4,500-mph winds. The cobalt blue color comes not from the reflection of a tropical ocean as it does on Earth, but rather a hazy, blow-torched atmosphere containing high clouds laced with silicate particles," NASA said in a statement.
Researchers are hoping that the HD 189733b discovery will bring on new insights into the chemical composition of this entire class of planets.
Read more about Beautiful Atmosphere, as it relates to Arts/Design, Nature/Science, Food/Drink, Place/Time, Mind/Body, and Soul/Impact including The Character of Atmosphere.
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- Image: Courtesy of NASA. Still from Paint by Particle.
- Image: Courtesy of NASA. Paint by Particle Project.
- Image: Courtesy of NASA. Still from Paint by Particle.
- Image: Courtesy of Science and Technology Facilities Council. Artist’s rendition of Tau Boötis b.
- Image: Courtesy of Stas1995. Artists rendition of Tau Boötis b.
- Photo: Courtesy of European Southern University. Leonhard Euler Telescope.
- Photo: by Wally Pacholka. Milky Way Galaxy.
- Photo: Courtesy of NASA. Ultraviolet view of Saturn.
- Photo: Courtesy of NASA. Giant Storm on Saturn.
- Photo: Courtesy of NASA. View of Earth from Saturn.
- Photo: by Michael Shainblum. Image from “Into the Atmosphere.”
- Photo: by Michael Shainblum. Image from “Into the Atmosphere.”
- Image: Courtesy of European Southern Observatory. Artists rendition of HD 189733b.
- Image: by Darya Rios. Artist’s rendition of HD 189733b.