Nature Science


Rays of sunlight pass through tall trees in California forest.
California Forest. Courtesy of The Nature Conservancy.


While its too often taken for granted, nature is a gift. It’s a gift of beauty… it’s a gift of life. And it is under ever-increasing massive threat due to climate change, pollution, and human encroachment.

The Nature Conservancy (TNC) has a mission to protect and restore nature’s gifts. For over … years, the organization has worked to make a lasting difference in 72 countries around the world. This holiday season, consider giving one of the greatest gifts of all with a gift to The Nature Conservancy.

TNC conserves the lands and waters on which all life depends. Every acre the organization protects, every river mile restored, every species brought back from the brink, begins with gifts that people like you and me make.

Your gift can help the TNC Renew the Land and Water Conservation Fund, for example. It is critical program that’s protected millions of acres in nearly every county in the United States.

Wildfires rage at Lockes Gap Unit at Night. California.
By Colin Shackelford. “Lockes Gap Unit at Night.” California.

While it’s not the total solution and can’t prevent climate-related catastrophe on its own, land management can have a really big effect on the climate.

River grasses in the Una River in Bosnia.
By Ken Geiger. River grasses in the Una River in Bosnia. Courtesy of The Nature Conservancy.

A new study examines the country’s potential to implement natural solutions—such as growing taller trees, improving soil health, protecting grasslands and restoring coastal wetlands—to increase carbon storage and reduce greenhouse gas pollution.

An aerial view of the Holmes River, British Columbia, Canada.
By Shane Kalyn. An aerial view of the Holmes River, British Columbia, Canada. Courtesy of The Nature Conservancy.

“Natural climate solutions for the United States,” a new study authored by The Nature Conservancy and 21 institutional partners and published in the journal Science Advances, investigates the potential of 21 different natural functions, from restoring forests and grasslands to a range of agricultural practices.

Aldeyjarfoss Waterfall in Iceland.
By Jeremy Stevens. Aldeyjarfoss Waterfall in Iceland. Courtesy of The Nature Conservancy.

The U.S. study shows that if all 21 pathways were implemented to their full potential, they could prevent or sequester more than one-fifth of annual U.S. greenhouse gas pollution—the equivalent of removing the emissions from all U.S. cars and trucks from the road.

 Bird catches fish underwater.
By Petar Sabol. Courtesy of The Nature Conservancy.

Help save Nature's gifts. Donate your gift now.

Your gift helps to advance science. From regrowing coral reefs to finding climate change solutions, your donation helps push conservation science to new limits.

Great Blue Heron flies over cranberry harvest at White's Bog, New Jersey.
By Peter Massas. “Great Blue Heron, Cranberry Harvest. White's Bog, New Jersey.”

Your gift helps to foster collaboration. Together with communities, governments, businesses and nonprofits, we work to grow conservation funding and establish environmentally conscious practices.

Two young stallions play on the Rhône Delta in the Camarguais region of France.
By Camille Briottet. Two young stallions play on the Rhône Delta in the Camarguais region of France. Courtesy of The Nature Conservancy.

Your gift helps to make a global impact. With scientists on the ground in more than 72 countries around the world, your gift helps to effectively conserve the most ecologically important lands, oceans, lakes and rivers.

 Colima Volcano erupts at night in Yerbabuena, Comala, Colima, Mexico.
By Hernando Alonso Rivera Cervantes. Colima Volcano erupts. Mexico. Courtesy of The Nature Conservancy.

Your gift helps to shape practical policies. By leveraging scientific results, TNC helps shape policies that limit pollution, prevent habitat loss and promote biodiversity on a global scale.

And ultimately, your gift helps to safeguard Nature.

Make your gift to The Nature Conservancy. Donate now.

Yellow-crowned night heron displays its breeding plumage at Cypress Island Preserve in Louisiana.
Yellow-crowned night heron displays its breeding plumage at Cypress Island Preserve in Louisiana. Courtesy of The Nature Conservancy.
Yellow-crowned night heron displays its breeding plumage at Cypress Island Preserve in Louisiana.
A bison roams on the Tallgrass Prairie Preserve near Pawhuska, Oklahoma. Courtesy of The Nature Conservancy.

Read more about Beautiful Gifts all this week on BeautifulNow, including The Most Beautiful Travel Gifts, The Most Beautiful Wellness Gifts, These Gifts Make a Beautiful Difference, and These Gifts Do a World of Good. And check out more beautiful things happening now in BN Wellness, Impact, Nature/Science, Food, Arts/Design, and Travel, Daily Fix posts.

Beautiful rolling landscape in Beaumont, near Wichita, Kansas.
Land in Beaumont, near Wichita, Kansas. Courtesy of The Nature Conservancy.

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