

“Red Sea,” by Justin Vidamo. Laguna Colorada. Uyuni, Bolivia.
by Justin Vidamo. “Red Sea.” Laguna Colorada. Uyuni, Bolivia.


A blood red lake may sound like a Halloween horror show, but Laguna Colorada, in southwestern Bolivia, is actually quite beautiful to behold.

Flamingos in Laguna Colorada. Laguna Colorada. Uyuni, Bolivia.

Also known as the red lagoon, this shallow salt lake sits within the Eduardo Avaroa Andean Fauna National Reserve, bordered by Chile.

Untitled. Laguna Colorada. Uyuni, Bolivia.

Its red coloration is caused by red mineral sediments and red algae in the water.

“Colored lake.” Laguna Colorada. Uyuni, Bolivia.

The lake formed in a depression of the Altiplano plateau, at an altitude of 14,000 ft., in the Andes mountain range, which you can see in the distance.

“Laguna Colorada.” Laguna Colorada. Uyuni, Bolivia.

Spanning nearly 15,000 acres, Laguna Colorada is less than 3 feet deep. Laguna Colorada also contains white borax islands which offer a brilliant contrast to the red waters.

“Laguna Colorada.” Laguna Colorada. Uyuni, Bolivia.

Reddish pink flamingos flock to the lake, including James's flamingos (Phoenicoparrus jamesi), Chilean flamingos (Phoenicopterus chilensis), and extremely rare Andean flamingos (Phoenicoparrus andinus).

“Laguna Colorada.” Laguna Colorada. Uyuni, Bolivia.

The Reserve around Laguna Colorada is home to a wide variety of indigenous birds & animals that have adapted to this hostile environment. Pumas, Andean foxes, & Andean cats, as well as a variety of reptiles, amphibians & fish also live the Reserve. Ranchers tend llamas & alpacas nearby.

“Flamingos en la Laguna Colorada, Uyuni, Bolivia.” Laguna Colorada. Uyuni, Bolivia.

Read more about Beautiful Reds in Beautiful Reds Spark Beautiful Ideas & Images Now, Red Pandas Are Beautiful Now, 2 Red Fruits Are Even More Beautiful Now and The Fiery, Delicate, Powerful & Rare Beauty of Redheads Now.

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“Laguna Colorada.” Laguna Colorada. Uyuni, Bolivia.

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“Laguna Colorada.” Laguna Colorada. Uyuni, Bolivia.


  1. Image: by Justin Vidamo. “Red Sea.” Laguna Colorada. Uyuni, Bolivia.
  2. Image: by Ryan Anderton. Flamingos in Laguna Colorada. Laguna Colorada. Uyuni, Bolivia.
  3. Image: by Ryan Anderton. Untitled. Laguna Colorada. Uyuni, Bolivia.
  4. Image: by Ville Miettinen. “Colored lake.” Laguna Colorada. Uyuni, Bolivia.
  5. Image: by Roman Korzh. “Laguna Colorada.” Laguna Colorada. Uyuni, Bolivia.
  6. Image: by Roman Korzh. “Laguna Colorada.” Laguna Colorada.Uyuni, Bolivia.
  7. Image: by pirindao. “Laguna Colorada.” Laguna Colorada. Uyuni, Bolivia.
  8. Image: by Carlos Adampol Galindo. “Flamingos en la Laguna Colorada, Uyuni, Bolivia.” Laguna Colorada. Uyuni, Bolivia.
  9. Image: by Lisa Weichel. “Laguna Colorada.” Laguna Colorada. Uyuni, Bolivia.
  10. Image: by BN App - Download now!
  11. Image: by aloys_dharambure. “Laguna Colorada.” Laguna Colorada. Uyuni, Bolivia.