

“Magic Tree,” by Toma Bonciu.
by Toma Bonciu. “Magic Tree.”


Every picture tells a story, don’t it? For some, the stories run deep. And as we search for extraordinary autumn, beauty, we search for stories of the forest.

The Red Tree From The Foggy Forest.

Fine art photographer Toma Bonciu serves up up beautiful seasonal tales in his series entitled “Stories of the Forests.” It includes over 50 photos taken over the past 3 years.

“Where Fairies Live" by Toma Bonciu.

Bonciu scouted locations and setting to try to recreate that wonderful stories of his childhood, growing up at his grandmother’s house, in Romania.

“Light Tree” by Toma Bonciu.

His grandmother told him fantastics stories about wild creatures and all the magic that happens in the forest when you’re not looking. Think fairies, elves, and sprites frolicking and having fun in autumn's splendor, while mere mortals wonder how and why it could possibly all be...

“Four Brothers In Light” by Toma Bonciu.

Many of Bonciu’s images incorporate the element of fog. They have a fairytale quality. He shoots with a long lens to compress perspective. Fog increases apparent distance between subjects, therefore increasing perceived depth in the photo.

He shoots in fog before the sun rises, before the mist dissipates.

“Foggy Trail in the Forest” by Toma Bonciu.

Check out Bonciu's channel on YouTube for more tips. And check out his site for more info and images.

“Mysterious Trails” by Toma Bonciu.

Bonciu is also developing subseries entitled “Creatures of the forests” and “Mirrors of the forests”.

“A Visitor Descends In The Forest” by Toma Bonciu.

Read more about Beautiful Leaf Peeping in Leaves, Light, & Land Are Beautiful Now, Dogs Find Beauty In Autumn Leaves Now, Heirloom Cabbages Leaves Are Beautiful Now,  and Leaf Peeping In Iceland Will Blow Your Mind Now.

 “Apart” by Toma Bonciu.

And check out more beautiful things happening now in BN Arts/Design, Nature/Science, Food/Drink, Place/Time, Mind/Body, and Soul/Impact Daily Fix posts.

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“The Red Tree” by Toma Bonciu.


  1. Image: by Toma Bonciu. “Magic Tree.”
  2. Image: by Toma Bonciu. “The Red Tree From The Foggy Forest.”
  3. Image: by Toma Bonciu. “Where Fairies Live.”
  4. Image: by Toma Bonciu. “Light Tree.”
  5. Image: by Toma Bonciu. “Four Brothers In Light.”
  6. Image: by Toma Bonciu. “Foggy Trail in the Forest.”
  7. Image: by Toma Bonciu. “Mysterious Trails.”
  8. Image: by Toma Bonciu. “A Visitor Descends In The Forest.”
  9. Image: by Toma Bonciu. “Apart.”
  10. Image: by BN App - Download now!
  11. Image: by Toma Bonciu. “The Red Tree.”