Mariko Kusumoto creates magical shapes. Her sculptures constructed out of orb shapes, fused together into fantastical composite forms.
“My work reflects various, observable phenomena that stimulate my mind and senses,” explains Kusumoto. Her shapes can reference natural or man-made forms.
“I 'reorganize' them into a new presentation that can be described as surreal, amusing, graceful, or unexpected,” she says, explaining her approach to designing shapes.
Kusumoto’s metalwork incorporates found objects and representational imagery. It is complex and technically challenging to create.
Kusumoto’s recent fabric pieces are the result of intense experimentation. These soft shapes, with their gentle translucent layers and delicate textures are ethereal.
They are worked into layers, with added moving parts to create playful, mysterious forms. The level of skill and craftsmanship is extraordinary.
While Kusumoto’s works are organic, inspired by shapes found in nature, they are intentionally ambiguous. “I always like to leave some space for the viewer’s imagination,” she explains.
Kusumoto uses the same design sensibility and themes to create playful, translucent 3D fabric jewelry, inspired by sea creatures.
Born and raised in Japan, Kusumoto now lives and works in Massachusetts. She received her BFA in Painting and Printmaking from Musashino Art College in Tokyo, Japan, and her MFA in Printmaking from Academy of Art University, San Francisco, California.
Kusumoto’s works can be found in the permanent collections of the Boston Museum of Fine Arts, the Kock Collection at the Swiss National Museum, the Racine Art Museum, and the Morikami Museum & Japanese Gardens, Florida.
See more of Kusumoto’s fiber explorations and metalwork at Mobilia Gallery and on her website. Check out her necklaces, brooches, and rings here.
Read more about Beautiful Shapes in Beautiful Shapes Within Shapes Now, The Beauty of Shape Shifting Murmurations Now and Beautiful Delicious Now.
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- Image: by Mariko Kusumoto. “Warm Color Bubble.” Wearable Fiber Art.
- Image: by Mariko Kusumoto. “Brooch.” Wearable Fiber Art.
- Image: by Mariko Kusumoto. “Brooch.” Wearable Fiber Art.
- Image: by Mariko Kusumoto. Wearable Fiber Art.
- Image: by Mariko Kusumoto. “Object.” Fiber Art.
- Image: by Mariko Kusumoto. “Object.” Fiber Art.
- Image: by Mariko Kusumoto. “Brooch.” Wearable Fiber Art.
- Image: by Mariko Kusumoto. Necklace. Wearable Fiber Art.
- Image: by Mariko Kusumoto. “Tsumami Zaiku Brooches.” Wearable Fiber Art.
- Image: by Mariko Kusumoto. “Brooches.” Wearable Fiber Art.
- Image: by Mariko Kusumoto. “Necklace.” Wearable Fiber Art.
- Image: by Mariko Kusumoto. “Rings.” Wearable Fiber Art.
- Image: by Mariko Kusumoto. “Brooch.” Wearable Fiber Art.
- mage: by BN App - Download now!
- Image: by Mariko Kusumoto. “Tsumami Zaiku Brooches.” Wearable Fiber Art.