The stunning food blog Pure Vegetarian by Lakshmi is a warm retreat on a winter’s day even if you don’t plan to prepare one of the dozens of original recipes for sweets, side dishes, and entrees. Lakshmi Wennäkoski-Bielicki is a bhakti-yogi living in Helsinki whose work includes vegetarian cooking classes and freelance photography. These skills combine with her dedication to a simple, sustainable, non-violent life for a feast of food and photography as beautiful as it is mouth-watering. And every recipe includes Lakshmi’s expression of food as a glorious extension of her Gaudiya Vaishnavism practice.
One comforting, filling mid-winter favorite from Lakshmi to try right now: Beet Dumplings. Like every recipe at Pure Vegetarian by Lakshmi, it is clickable for simple downloading and printing.