

“Mmmm, Mmmm, Good,” by Chad Horwedel.
by Chad Horwedel. “Mmmm, Mmmm, Good.”

Winter is not kind to skin. Cold, wind, dryness, and winter sun all stress our skin, and it shows -- flakiness, tightness, wrinkles, inflammation, dullness, etc. But recent studies have found that a number of super-foods really help to combat all of that to keep our skin looking, feeling, and behaving at its beautiful best all winter long. Check them out below.

by Ed Ivanushkin. “Cherries.”


Cherries are loaded with anthocyanins, which act like antioxidants as they help to repair damaged cells and promote the growth of new and healthy cells while giving skin protection against free radicals.

Darker, riper red cherries have higher levels of anthocyanins. Cherries are also packed with vitamin C.

by Kate Fisher. “Multicolored carrots.”


Skin loves orange! It’s the color of the powerful anti-oxidant beta carotene, found in carrots. Our bodies convert beta carotene to vitamin A, which helps grow new skin cells.

by Alex Tan. “Carrot Soup.”Beta carotene, along with the lycopene found in carrots also helps to shield skin against UV damage. Interestingly, our bodies absorb more of these antioxidants from cooked vs raw carrots.

Image by Richard Steih Kale


Kale is packed with skin-friendly antioxidants, vitamin A, vitamin K, and vitamin C, which strengthens collagen fibers, which hold our skin cells together, for firmer skin.

Kale also is rich in essential minerals potassium, calcium, and magnesium. Its high sulfur content can help reduce skin redness and flakiness.

by Stewart Butterfield. “Red Spinach.”


Spinach promotes cellular repair and helps to reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, thanks to its concentration of folate, a B vitamin. It’s also rich in antioxidants and iron.

by Michael Saechang. “Salmon.”


The omega-3 fatty acids in salmon helps keep your complexion supple and moisturized.  Salmon’s selenium helps protect the skin against oxidative damage, improves elasticity, and reduces inflammation.

by Indrek Torilo. “Raw Fruit Porridge.”


Skin loves chia seeds. Their stores of fatty omega-3 alpha-linolenic acid and omega-6 linolenic acid yield anti-inflammatory power, help boost skin regeneration, and contribute to a more youthful complexion.

by Christopher Cornelius. “First attempt, pouring hot chocolate like latte art.”


Almost everyone loves the taste of chocolate and, it turns out, their skin loves chocolate too -- especially dark chocolate in the form of cacao, a minimally processed powder made of unroasted cacao (chocolate) beans.

Unlike processed chocolate, cacao retains its flavonol antioxidants, which have positive effects on photo-aging.

by Jean-Philippe Bourque. “Chocolat chaud.”

According to recent study, women aged 43 to 86 who consumed high-flavanol cocoa daily for 6 months saw improvement in wrinkles and elasticity. So indulge in some dark hot chocolate for a most beautiful winter treat.

by Marc. “Cacao flowers and pod.”

Read more about Beautiful Winter Wonders in Real Surreal Winter and Wonderous Frost Flowers Hold Clues to the Origins of Life.

And check out more beautiful things happening now in BN Arts/Design, Nature/Science, Food/Drink, Place/Time, Mind/Body, and Soul/Impact Daily Fix posts.

by Philip Bouchard. “Chia.”

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by Scott Robinson. “Spinach.”


  1. Image: by Chad Horwedel. “Mmmm, Mmmm, Good.”
  2. Image: by Ed Ivanushkin. “Cherries.”
  3. Image: by Kate Fisher. “Multicolored carrots.”
  4. Image: by Alex Tan. “Carrot Soup.”
  5. Image: by Richard Steih. “Kale.”
  6. Image: by Stewart Butterfield. “Red Spinach.”
  7. Image: by Michael Saechang. “Salmon.”
  8. Image: by Indrek Torilo. “Raw Fruit Porridge.”
  9. Image by Christopher Cornelius. “First attempt, pouring hot chocolate like latte art.”
  10. Image: by Jean-Philippe Bourque. “Chocolat chaud.”
  11. Image: by Marc. “Cacao flowers and pod.”
  12. Image: by Philip Bouchard. “Chia.”
  13. Image: by BN App - Download now!
  14. Image: by Scott Robinson. “Spinach.”