The blackest animals on earth share a condition called melanism. You may be more familiar with their polar opposites, albinos, which have a total lack of pigmentation.
Melanistic animals have an increased amount of black pigmentation in their skin, fur, hair, feathers, eyes, and other body parts.
The word melanism is derived from the Greek: μελανός, which means black pigment.
A new study found that black animals are not black by chance. They have evolved as black because the dark coloration helps them live longer.
Sometimes black offers more camouflage advantage.
Gregory Barsh, of the HudsonAlpha Institute for Biotechnology, co-author of the study explains, “Factors such as foliage, humidity, temperature, and/or infectious agents are all possibilities, and could affect camouflage, resistance to heat or thermoregulation, or resistance to infections.”
Black wolves and dogs can be more physically fit and adept to managing in certain environments.
Melanism in owls can be tied to better sleep patterns and brain development. It can also result in a stronger immune system.
The study focused on three closely related South American wild cats: the pampas cat, the kodkod, and Geoffroy’s cat.
While melanism is a mutation, the study found that there was strong evidence for natural selection of black coloration.
Also, the study found that the same gene that causes melanism also causes the jet black fur of certain leopards, panthers, and jaguars.
Blacker cats do better in dark forests.
So, even nature agrees, black is beautiful!
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- Image: by Lucas Stanley. Salsa. Melanistic Jaguar.
- Image: by Jayne Frager Hanlin. Courtesy of Peter Andrews. Melanistic King Penguin.
- Image: by Martin Heigan. A young Black Leopard or Melanistic Leopard (Panthera pardus).
- Image: by matt knoth. Thicket. Silver Fox Kit, Thru the Mist.
- Image: by Ian Turk. Black Squirrel.
- Image: by Minette Layne. Silver Fox.
- Image: by Oli Broadhead, of Expedition Cornwall. Melanistic Black Seal.
- Image: by poisonpill. Black Leopard.
- Image: by Margaux-Marguerite Duquesnoy. Black Swan.
- Image: by Eddy Van 3000. Black Leopard Couple.
- Image: by Cburnett. Jaguar at the Henry Doorly Zoo in Omaha, Nebraska.
- Image: by Pandiyan V. Soon - living only in the legends... Nilgiri Langur. Trachypithecus johnii.
- Image: by Golden Retriever - Labrador. Black Labrador Retriever Lotte.
- Image: by BN App - Download now!
- Image: by Brian Garrett. Melanistic Golden-Mantled Ground Squirrel.