

Ideas by Hartwig Kopp-Delaney.

Ideas bubble up from inside us. They begin as bubbles of consciousness, then rise up and expand to fill our available space.

We discovered the works of an enigmatic digital artist and photographer, Hartwig Kopp-Delaney, that express this concept so beautifully. We have shared his images, ideas, and words (in italics, translated from German) with you below.

Before creation - the idea!

It all starts with ideas
Ideas are a gift from the gods of creation
On an unconscious level, a curse
On the conscious level a blessing

Kopp-Delaney’s images and ideas are influenced by his interest in Buddhism, psychology, philosophy, spirituality, symbolism, and alchemy. He is a self-described mystical artist, exploring many levels of consciousness and the paths between them.

His work is not only an expression of his own personal journey, represents a series of exercises in pursuit of emotional and spiritual healing and transcendence.

Well studied in the teachings and ideas of C.G. Jung, Richard Wagner, Hermann Hesse, Meister Eckhart, Lao tse, Dalai Lama, Chögyam Trungpa, and Rumi, Kopp-Delaney’s works are full of symbolism and meaning.

Holding Two Worlds

Who is dreaming?

I am dreaming two worlds.
I am the hand.
I am the sky.

Consciousness is the unity behind the multiplicity of experiences.

Bonsai and Monk


You don’t need wings to fly
Let your spirit fly
Clear your mind and your emotions
And you will be light like a feather.


The light of the transformation is the source of hunches. And this light springs from the inside of each person.


Discover all fears in you. They don’t let you fly free as long they hide in the dark.

Focus of Attention

What is your focus at the moment?

Peace of mind into a state that rivals that of the child. He is open, without judgmental thoughts, pure perception and full feeling in the world.

Life Journey

Drive back home…

I have seen myself in lucid dreaming.

At the moment there is no future. However, I believe in a morning. :-)))

In sharing his beautiful images and ideas with us, he hopes to offer inspiration -- he hopes to stir up the bubbles of consciousness that lie deep within us all.

Check out Kopp-Delaney’s blog, website and  Facebook page for more of his beautiful thought bubbles.


Read more about Beautiful Bubbles, as it relates to Arts/Design, Nature/Science, Food/Drink,Place/Time, Mind/Body, and Soul/Impact including Bubbling Beauty Now, Frozen Bubbles are Beyond Beautiful Now, The Most Beautiful Champagne Bubbles Now, The Art of Mind Blowing Bubbles Now, and Surreal but Real Lakes Full of Frozen Bubbles Now.

Enter your own images and ideas about Beautiful Bubbles in this week’s creative Photo Competition. Open for entries now until 11:59 p.m. PT on 01.04.2015. If you are reading this after that date, check out the current BN Creative Competition, and enter!


  1. Photo: by Hartwig Kopp-DelaneyIdeas.
  2. Photo: by Hartwig Kopp-DelaneyInspiration of a Lucid Dreamer.
  3. Photo: by Hartwig Kopp-DelaneyParadise Bridge: The Thinker and His Heave.
  4. Photo: by Hartwig Kopp-DelaneyBuddha Moon - Buddha Stones.
  5. Photo: by Hartwig Kopp-DelaneyBig Bubble.
  6. Photo: by Hartwig Kopp-DelaneyGod is a Farmer.
  7. Photo: by Hartwig Kopp-DelaneyHolding Two Worlds.
  8. Photo: by Hartwig Kopp-DelaneyBonsai and Monk.
  9. Photo: by Hartwig Kopp-DelaneyVision of Transformation. Light of Transformation.
  10. Photo: by Hartwig Kopp-DelaneyPsychoanalysis.
  11. Photo: by Hartwig Kopp-Delaney. Focus of Attention.
  12. Photo: by Hartwig Kopp-DelaneyLife Journey.
  13. Photo: by Hartwig Kopp-DelaneyEnclosed Please Find... My Dad.