

“Brain Aging” by Kalvicio de las Nieves.
by Kalvicio de las Nieves. “Brain Aging.”

Everything changes in autumn -- some more visible or palpable than others. Humans become their autumnal selves too. Seasonal changes happen to both our minds and bodies.


1. Our Hearts Beat Faster

As autumn’s chill sets in, as temperatures continue to drop towards winter, our blood vessels constrict to conserve heat -- causing blood pressure to rise.


2. We Sleep More & More Lightly

Studies have shown that during the month of October, people tend to sleep about 2.7 hours more per day than they do in other months.

It correlates to the fact that the quality and depth of sleep drops in response to shorter days and less exposure to sunlight. Circadian sleep rhythms are altered. We feel more tired. We need more sleep.

From Luxury Lingerie Line.

3. We are Sexier

Testosterone and estrogen levels are highest in autumn. Our libido is up! We’re feeling it more. Autumn is when our ancient ancestors mated most frequently. And late autumn is when humans are most fertile. (August is when most babies are born in North America.)

Perhaps it’s time to consider the most beautiful lingerie we could find?


4. We are Thirstier

We don’t feel as thirsty as we do in hot summer months. We aren’t as focused on staying hydrated as the weather cools down. And because of that, we tend to drink less. We tend to drink more hot coffee and tea, and perhaps more alcohol, all of which are dehydrating.

All of this makes our bodies thirstier. Herbals teas and hot lemon & ginger water are beautiful ways to stay quenched in autumn.


5. We Remember More

Studies have shown that our memories improve in autumn as our moods quiet. Inclement weather nudges us to stay indoors. We are more still. Our concentration and productivity also rise.

It might be a beautiful time to start writing a memoir.

Fall lake

Read more about Beautiful Autumn in Celebrating Ideas & Images of Autumn Now, Keep Autumn Migrations Beautiful: Save Monarch Butterflies Now, 10 Most Beautiful Autumn Food Festivals Now , Autumn Is a Most Beautiful Time For Reindeer and 10 Most Beautiful Autumn Places.

And check out more beautiful things happening now in BN Arts/Design, Nature/Science, Food/Drink, Place/Time, Mind/Body, and Soul/Impact Daily Fix posts.

Autumn pond

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Le Chemin de Lumière


  1. Image: by Kalvicio de las Nieves. “Brain Aging.”
  2. Image: by Theophilos Papadopoulos. “Heart?”
  3. Image: by Timothy Marsee. “Sleeping Cat.”
  4. Photo: Courtesy of Andres Sarda. From Luxury Lingerie Line.
  5. Image: by lozwilkes. “Untitled.”
  6. Image: by John Garghan. “I Have Often Wondered If You Can Go Over The Top.”
  7. Image: by Stanley Zimny. “Tree Fall Reflection"
  8. Image: by Stanley Zimny. “Pond Rocks.”
  9. Image: by BN App - Download now!
  10. Image: by Claire TRESSE. "Le Chemin de Lumière"