Its shocking to learn that feathers -- something we take so for granted -- are actually endangered on a macro-level. Birds, like frogs, are canaries in the coal mine of the planet’s ecosystem. They are vulnerable to human direct assault and consequential damage.
Today, we visit a few special sanctuaries who are flying in the face of adversity to protect the present and future of birds.
Bird sanctuaries have been growing in importance as humans threaten ever greater numbers of birds, driving species to extinction at an alarming rate. We are featuring three exceptional bird sanctuaries from around the world.
One species at risk is the cerulean warbler, with its vibrant cobalt blue feathers.
Ornithologist Jon Stravers, of McGregor, has been documenting the appearances of rare cerulean warblers in remote bluffs and ravines along the Upper Mississippi River in Iowa. It has led to the designation of the state’s first Globally Important Bird Area: DNR’s Effigy Mounds-Yellow River Forest Bird Conservation Area.
Iowa has 91 important bird areas, sites deemed critical to declining bird species. This is the first to get the international recognition. The area covers more than 14,000 acres of public land. It also encompasses thousands of acres of surrounding private land.
In May and June of this year, Stravers documented 192 active cerulean territories within the unit.
In 2000, the Audubon Society petitioned the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service to list the cerulean warbler as a threatened species, citing concerns over loss and fragmentation of habitat.
We’ve lost 70 percent of the population in the last 40 years according to Bruce Ehresman, a biologist with the DNR’s Wildlife Diversity Program.
Stravers is out every morning and evening from May 5 through the end of June, the period during which male ceruleans sing on territory.
Named for the specific cerulean blue color of its plumage, this Neotropical migrant hangs out in the canopy of tall trees. They blend in with the cerulean sky. Few Iowans have ever seen one.
The cerulean’s song is a series of zee sounds that accelerate and rise in pitch at the end. Often the best way to find them is by listening.
The Wild Bird Fund cares for the injured, ill and orphaned wildlife of New York City. Their mission is to provide medical care and rehabilitation to native and passing migrant wildlife so that they can be released back into the wild. They are the only rehabilitation facility for Wildlife in New York City.
Each year the Wild Bird Fund rehabilitates over 1000 sick, injured or orphaned wildlife and releases them back to the wilds of New York City.
Rehabilitation includes radiographs, diagnostic testing, surgery, medication, bandaging, splinting, physical therapy, feeding and sheltering. All native and migratory birds are treated, from the house sparrows to rarities such as Virginia rails and great-horned owls.
The Tra Su bird sanctuary (Tra Su forest) in Vietnam covers an area of 850 hectares and is an important natural habitat for many colorful birds and other rare animals. There are more than 140 different kinds of plants in the sanctuary.
During the Vietnam War, the forest was a base of revolutionaries and was badly damaged. After the war, the area was reforested. It is now a spectacular place to commune with a gorgeous array of wild feathered creatures.
Foster Parrots is an organization dedicated to providing a place, peace and protection for captive parrots. They believe that parrots and all wild animals should be free.
Foster Parrots rescues and protects unwanted and abused companion parrots and other displaced captive exotic animals.
They offer life-long sanctuary care for unadoptable parrots and other exotics at their permanent care sanctuary facility, The New England Exotic Wildlife Sanctuary, and provide adoption services for well-socialized parrots who desire human companionship.
Foster Parrots’ village based conservation work in Guyana, South America, helps keep parrots and other animals safe in their natural habitat, and also embodies the ultimate message: Parrots are worth more in the trees than in cages; parrots and all wild animals should be free.
One of the most spectacular bird sanctuaries in India is Keoladeo Ghana or Bharatpur National Park. You’ll see a rainbow of over 230 species of domestic, migratory and water-birds as they live among 29 sq. kms, with exotic animals such as sambar, chital, nilgai, and boar for company. Many of the species here are specialist feeders, like the Siberian crane.
This sanctuary is also a World Heritage Site, considered by many to be the world’s best bird area.
The park's location in the Gangetic Plain makes it an unrivalled breeding site forherons, storks and cormorants, and an important wintering ground for large numbers of migrant ducks.
The most common waterfowl are gadwall, shoveler,common teal, cotton teal, tufted duck, comb duck, little cormorant, great cormorant, Indian shag, ruff, painted stork, white spoonbill, Asian open-billed stork, oriental ibis, darter, common sandpiper, wood sandpiper and green sandpiper. Sarus crane, with its spectacular courtship dance, is also found here.
In addition, there are a beautiful landbirds including warblers, babblers, bee-eaters, bulbuls, buntings, chats, partridges and quails. Grey hornbill and Marshall's iora are also present. There are many birds of prey including the osprey, peregrine, Pallas' sea eagle, short-toed eagle, tawny eagle, imperial eagle, spotted eagle and crested serpent eagle.Greater spotted eagle has recently been recorded breeding here, a new breeding record for the species in India.
Read more about Beautiful Feathers, as it relates to Arts/Design, Nature/Science, Food/Drink, Place/Time, Mind/Body, and Soul/Impact including 10 New Beautiful Books on Feathers, Feathers: 100 Million Years of Beauty Now, Beautiful New Feather Light Delights, A New Flight of Feather Sculptures, Feathered Exhibitions to See Now and Lightness in Form & Spirit.
Enter this week’s BN Creative Competition. Our theme this week is Beautiful Feathers. Deadline is 04.06.14.
- Photo: By Jim Burns. Cerulean Warbler.
- Photo: by Michael. Cerulean Warbler.
- Photo: by budgora. Cerulean Warbler.
- Photo: Courtesy of The Gazette. Warbler.
- Photo: Courtesy of Steve’s Digicams. Cerulean.
- Photo: Courtesy of Wild Bird Fund. Wild Bird Fund tending to a newly hatched bird.
- Photo: Courtesy of Mekong Eyes. Mekong Delta.
- Photo: by Magalie L’abbe. Fisher King in the Mekong Delta.
- Photo: by Dan Taylor. Scarlet Macaw.
- Photo: by Pete Steward. Little Grebe in Keoladeo Ghana National Park.
- Photo: by Pete Steward. Spotted Owlet in Keoladeo Ghana National Park.
- Photo: by Pete Steward. Rose-Ringed Parakeet in Keoladeo Ghana National Park.
- Photo: by Pete Steward. Oriental Darter in Keoladeo Ghana National Park.