Coral is a community, in every sense of the word. A cooperative collection of organisms, clustered together to support each and everyone, form gorgeous shapes in a myriad of electric colors and wild textures, helping each other to survive and grow. They make up a landscape under the ocean that seems more like an alien scene from outer space, much to the delight of equally colorful and strange sea creatures and adventurous divers.
"Coral: Rekindling Venus," an exquisite documentary by Lynnette Wallworth, shot in the barrier reefs of Australia, immerses the viewer in a psychedelic deep-sea cosmic experience. We saw it just now at the Sundance Film Festival 2013 and you can see it at select planetariums around the world. It’s important, not only to let you know wonders of our world you have likely never seen, but to warn you, as coral are critical barometers of climate change.
Download the uber-cool app here and check out the wonders and warnings of coral.