Anyone who has ever had the joy of visiting a coral reef during a night-dive knows about nature's amazing underwater color show. Shine a simple white flashlight beam onto a sea wall after the sun has gone down and suddenly everything is psychedelic. Stealing the show are tiny nudibranchs—sea slugs—which are often no more than the size of a pinky finger. To date, there are 3,000 known species of nudibranch, but new ones are constantly being discovered. Nature photographer David Doubilet has been celebrated for documenting these shy creatures with his amazing photography for National Geographic. Setting up a "studio" underwater, Doubilet puts the animals against a white background so their full color spectrum can be appreciated. With his gorgeous, enlarged prints you can truly examine these beauties and their firework-like markings at your leisure—no PADI certification needed!
Doubilet’s Nudibranch prints are available for purchase at daviddoublilet.com. Doubilet has also published several beautiful underwater photography books including Great Barrier Reef and Light in the Sea.