

“Canoe on Pinetree Lake, Algonquin Provincial Park/Canot sur le lac Pinetree, parc provincial Algonquin, Ontario,” by Edwin Poon. Algonquin Provincial Park. Ontario, Canada.
by Edwin Poon. “Canoe on Pinetree Lake, Algonquin Provincial Park/Canot sur le lac Pinetree, parc provincial Algonquin, Ontario.” Algonquin Provincial Park. Ontario, Canada.


Algonquin Provincial Park, established in 1893, is located between Georgian Bay and the Ottawa River in Central Ontario. It spans over 7.5 square km (2,955 sq. mi.), about 1.5 times bigger than Prince Edward Island.

For over 8,000 years, before Europeans arrived, the Algonquin First Nation, a semi-nomadic Native American tribe, flourished here, hunting and gathering amidst the forest’s bounty. The word “Algonquin” means “At the place of spearing fishes and eels.”

The park contains over 2,400 lakes and 1,200 kilometres of streams and rivers. These were formed as the glaciers retreated during the end of the ice age.

It is fascinating to see the transition between northern coniferous forest and southern deciduous forest within the park. The resulting diversity of both flora and fauna here is astonishing. Its rich cache of trees began to attract the logging industry in the late 1880’s.

Algonquin Park was designated as a wildlife sanctuary, to stop the decimation of habitat.

Algonquin Park is now part of the largest land claim being negotiated in Ontario. It covers a territory of 36,000 sq. km. and is populated by more than 1.2 million people. The Algonquins of Ontario assert that they have Aboriginal rights over the land and its watershed.

If successful, the land claim will result in Ontario’s first modern-day constitutionally protected treaty.

Algonquin Park is listed as a National Historic Site of Canada. You can download a map of the area here.

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  1. Image: by miquitos. Canoe on Pinetree Lake, Algonquin Provincial Park. Algonquin Provincial Park, Ontario, Canada
  2. Image: by Greg Williams. Peedie Island. Algonquin Provincial Park, Ontario, Canada.
  3. Image: by Christopher Porter. Algonquin Canoe Trip. Algonquin Provincial Park, Ontario, Canada.
  4. Image: by Bastian Sander. Fall scene. Algonquin Provincial Park, Ontario, Canada.
  5. Image: by Fabian Viana. Mother Black Bear and her Cubs. Algonquin Provincial Park, Ontario, Canada.
  6. Image: by Roozbeh Rokni. Beautiful October in Algonquin Park. Algonquin Provincial Park, Ontario, Canada.
  7. Image: by Fabian Viana. Algonquin Labour Weekend. Algonquin Provincial Park, Ontario, Canada.
  8. Image: by Bastian Sander. Fall in Algonquin Park. Algonquin Provincial Park, Ontario, Canada.
  9. Image: by Didymops transversa. Pine Marten, Algonquin Provincial Park, Nipissing District, Ontario. Algonquin Provincial Park, Ontario, Canada.
  10. Image: by Fabian Viana. Algonquin Provincial Park Fall. Algonquin Provincial Park, Ontario, Canada.
  11. Image: by BN App - Download now!
  12. Image: by elPadawan. Algonquin. Algonquin Provincial Park, Ontario, Canada.