

Kaleidoscope series by Isabella Cassini.
by Isabella Cassini. Kaleidoscope series.


Isabella Cassini is obsessed with playing with her food! This award-winning food and still life photographer has taken this common childhood pastime to a whole new level, turning food into fantasy.

Kaleidoscope series.

A master of composition and light, Cassini meticulously arranges edibles in intricate patterns and movements to create spectacular bold images.

Kaleidoscope series.

Cassini’s obsessions manifest in the forms of food kaleidoscopes, explosions, deconstructions and fantastic still lifes. Her GIFs are way cool!

Kaleidoscope series.

In every image, there is much to experience in Cassini’s detail. Every color, texture, and shape is considered, as is every speck and ray of light.

As I Image It series

Cassini’s obsessions began when she picked up her first camera at age 14. “I took my first photography class at the ripe and impressionable age of 15,” she tells us. “They got me young, and there was no way I could resist.”

As I Image It series

Cassini loves to shoot old school -- using film, as she learned to do back in the day. “Thankfully, it was a time when film was still the dominant format, otherwise I may not have ‘developed’ the same understanding, technique, and love for it.”

As I Image It series

While digital photography allows for lots of tricks and manipulations, film offers Cassini its own unique charms.

Kaleidoscope series.

“There’s something so wonderfully romantic and tangible about film; giving birth to an image without a ‘back’ or ‘undo’ button, getting it just the way you want, and feeling every piece with your own hand,” says Cassini, “the different formats and sizes, each needing to be swooned with it’s own song.”

Kaleidoscope series.

Cassini is obsessed with precision both in her arrangements and compositions and in her post-production. She spends many hours in the darkroom. “

“The precision; knowing exactly how to expose it, waiting patiently as the film develops more with each element added, then projecting it onto paper and breathlessly watching as the image slowly appears in total darkness. Each step equally as important, and exact, as the last.”

Kaleidoscope series.

Check out more of Cassini’s beautifully obsessed photos on her site and her Ginger & Honey blog.

If you loved Cassini’s Kaleidoscope Series, you might love artist Portia Munson’s amazing Flower Mandalas

Splashes, Crashes and Smashes series.

Read more about Beautiful Obsessions, as it relates to Arts/Design, Nature/Science, Food/Drink, Place/Time, Mind/Body, and Soul/Impact including Crazy or Badass? Beautiful Obsessions Are Happening Now! and Beautiful Biophilia Now.

Kaleidoscope series.

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Splashes, Crashes and Smashes series.


  1. Image: by Isabella Cassini. Kaleidoscope series.
  2. Image: by Isabella Cassini. Kaleidoscope series.
  3. Image: by Isabella Cassini. Kaleidoscope series.
  4. Image: by Isabella Cassini. Kaleidoscope series.
  5. Image: by Isabella Cassini. As I Imagine It series.
  6. Image: by Isabella Cassini. As I Imagine It series.
  7. Image: by Isabella Cassini. As I Imagine It series.
  8. Image: by Isabella Cassini. Kaleidoscope series.
  9. Image: by Isabella Cassini. Kaleidoscope series.
  10. Image: by Isabella Cassini. Kaleidoscope series.
  11. Image: by Isabella Cassini. Splashes, Crashes and Smashes series.
  12. Image: by Isabella Cassini. Kaleidoscope series.
  13. Image: by BN App - Download now!
  14. Image: by Isabella Cassini. Splashes, Crashes and Smashes series.