

 “Moose in Tupper Lake With Kayaker With Fall Colors.” Courtesy of Wild Center. Tupper Lake, New York.
Courtesy of Wild Center. “Moose in Tupper Lake With Kayaker With Fall Colors.” Tupper Lake, New York.


Reconnect with the wild and restore your mind, body, and soul.

The Wild Center is a new place that offers a chance to connect with the essence of nature without having to sacrifice comforts, train, or need special equipment.

Rainbow Bridge on Greenleaf Pond at The Wild Center

This recently opened 81-acre property sits deep in the wilds of the Adirondack Mountains, in Tupper Lake, NY. It aims to explore new ways that people and nature can thrive in the same place.

Lilies on the Oxbow

The Wild Center is a not-for-profit science-based organization that has created a paradise for environmentalists.

Raquette River Shoreline at The Wild Center

The Wild Center was first conceived in 1998, right after a massive ice storm turned the Adirondacks into a shimmering ice-coated fairyland.

Fall Colors on Wild Walk

The experience at The Wild Center is very interactive, both indoors and outdoors.

It tells the story of the region’s unique natural environment.

Wild Walk

The Wild Walk is one of the newest highlights here, comprised of 1,000 ft of bridges and platforms elevated over the forest. It is in essence a trail through the treetops of the Adirondack forest.

Eagles Nest on the Wild Walk

Check out the 4-story twig tree house. Hang out high above the ground on a giant spider’s web. Perch yourself in a full-sized bald eagle’s nest as you ponder the landscape.

Eagles Nest on the Wild Walk

There are five primary indoor exhibit areas that include live wild animals and carefully constructed ecosystems, as if the outdoors turned inside out, spanning 54,000-square feet. In the Hall of the Adirondacks, you can get close to loads of native fish, turtles, and other critters.

Brook Trout Exhibit at The Wild Center.

There’s been a return of the wild here in the Adirondacks. Thanks to conservations efforts, wild moose are back, river otters are flourishing, peregrine falcons are nesting on nearby cliffs, & native trout are abundantly spawning in newly protected waters. Check out this awesome moose video.

Black Bear - Adirondack Park

In fact, the Adirondacks is one of the few places on the planet where there is more wild life today than there was 100 years ago.

The Wild Center's David Gross says the conditions are now right for mountain lions to return to the region.

Rowing on the Raquette River

There is much to do in the wild here. Take a canoe trip on the Raquette River. Join licensed falconers in their ancient art. Hike the endless beautiful forest trails.

Fall Foliage at the Wild Center

Spend a day at The Wild Center photographing the west central Adirondacks during the peak of fall color in the area, with photographer and author Carl Heilman, who has been photographing the Adirondacks since the mid 1970’s.

Red Tail Hawk at Wild Walk

The Wild Center was named a 2015 finalist for the National Medal, the nation's highest honor for museums in service of their communities. It is the first LEED museum in New York.

And here, at The Wild Center, whatever you do, go wild! 


Read more about Beautiful Wild in Beautiful Wild Films Now, Beautiful Rider on Some Wildly Beautiful Storms Now, The Most Wildly Beautiful Mushrooms, The Beauty of Foxes Now.   and Wild Wild Horses Are Beautiful Now.

And check out more beautiful things happening now in BN Arts/Design, Nature/Science, Food/Drink, Place/Time, Mind/Body, and Soul/Impact Daily Fix posts.

Scenes from Take Flight 2015 at The Wild Center

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Do you have amazing photos? Enter them in this week’s BN Photo CompetitionEagles Nest on the Wild Walk


  1. Image: Courtesy of Wild Center. “Moose in Tupper Lake With Kayaker With Fall Colors.” Tupper Lake, New York.
  2. Image: by arubow4. Courtesy of Wild Center. “Rainbow Bridge on Greenleaf Pond at The Wild Center.” Tupper Lake, New York.
  3. Image: Courtesy of Wild Center. “Lilies on the Oxbow.” Tupper Lake, New York.
  4. Image: Courtesy of Wild Center. “Raquette River Shoreline at The Wild Center.” Tupper Lake, New York.
  5. Image: Courtesy of  Wild Center. “Fall Colors on Wild Walk.” Tupper Lake, New York.
  6. Image: Courtesy of The Wild Center. “Wild Walk.” Tupper Lake, New York.
  7. Image: Courtesy of The Wild Center. “Eagles Nest on the Wild Walk.” Tupper Lake, New York.
  8. Image: Courtesy of The Wild Center. “Eagles Nest on the Wild Walk.” Tupper Lake, New York.
  9. Image: Courtesy of Wild Center. “Brook Trout Exhibit at The Wild Center.” Tupper Lake, New York.
  10. Image: Courtesy of Wild Center. “Black Bear - Adirondack Park.” Tupper Lake, New York.
  11. Image: Courtesy of The Wild Center. “Rowing on the Raquette River.” Tupper Lake, New York.
  12. Image: Courtesy of The Wild Center. “Fall Foliage at the Wild Center.” Tupper Lake, New York.
  13. Image: Courtesy of Wild Center. “Red Tail Hawk at Wild Walk.” Tupper Lake, New York.
  14. Image: Courtesy of Wild Center. “Rarahkwisere.” Tupper Lake, New York.
  15. Image: Courtesy of  Wild Center. “Scenes from Take Flight 2015 at The Wild Center.” Tupper Lake, New York.
  16. Image: by BN App - Download now!
  17. Image: Courtesy of The Wild Center. “Eagles Nest on the Wild Walk.” Tupper Lake, New York.