

Geometric Food Art by Sakir Gökçebag.
by Sakir Gökçebag. Geometric Food Art.

Geometry is the source of all beauty, all the way back in space-time. See geometry in food, in honor of World Science Festival 2016, including works by Sakir Gokcebag, Nicky Walsh (Nicky & Max), with geometric rhubarb pie recipe by Laetitia Vasseur.

Geometric Food Art.


Turkish artist Sakir Gökçebag’s spatial installations glorify edible geometry. While they might look like Photoshopped images, they are far from that. They exist, in 3-D on exhibition.

Geometric Food Art.

Part of what is so fascinating is that these works take organic forms and create perfect geometric patterns, without any manipulation beyond physical positioning, sectioning, and lighting.

Geometric Food Art.

The rigid cuts and meticulous arrangement might seem like a sterile approach to food, but  Gökçebag manages to keep the lush, delicious, tempting qualities right up front.

Bauhaus Series.


What might a Bauhaus kitchen turn out? Photographer Nicky Walsh and food stylist Max Faber channeled it.  

After moving to Berlin a few years ago, they became inspired by the German art movement, by artists such as the Hungarian Bauhaus painter Laszlo Moholy-Nagy, the two met up and formed a food-art partnership that turns out thrilling masterpieces.

 Bauhaus Series

These dramatic compositions, with their emphatic, sophisticated shapes, clean lines, subtle color, and brilliant composition, are riveting.

Bauhaus Series.

"I wanted something with a retro feel that let us make the food part of the composition," says Walsh."[Choosing which food to use] was purely aesthetic."

Bauhaus Series.

Have we gone too far?” asks Walsh. “I already know the answer but my slightly nonchalant reply to myself is…’so!’”

You can see more on their website.

Romanesco Cauliflower.



The most geometrically beautiful food we know is the Romanesco cauliflower. It is a naturally occurring Mandelbrot fractal -- a complex geometric shape that exhibits the property of self‑similarity -- a series of units that scale to larger versions of the same shapes.

We like to cook it whole to keep its drama in tact. Either boil or steam a whole head for about 12 minutes until slightly tender. Drizzle with olive oil, sprinkle with chopped garlic, and roast it in 475 ℉ oven for about 10 minutes until lightly charred. Cheese sauce gilds this lily.

Geometric Rhubarb Pie.


And, for dessert, no more beautiful geometry than Laetitia Vasseur’s Geometric Rhubarb Pie! Bee-bop-a-roo-bop…


By Laetitia Vasseur


  • 250 g flour
  • 180 g soft butter
  • 1 egg
  • 50g icing sugar
  • salt
  • 800 g of rhubarb
  • Sugar 100 g


  1. Mix butter and sugar until cream. Add flour, egg, and salt and knead to form a ball. flatten the ball and refrigerate for at least 30 minutes wrapped in clingfilm.

  2. Peel the rhubarb and cut half into small cubes. Mix with 30g sugar and set aside.

  3. Slice the other half into long strips and add 30g of sugar and cook both for 1 hour.

  4. Spread the dough over a greased pie pan. Put in fridge for 30 minutes.

  5. Preheat oven to 180C. Trim the edges of the pie and bake 20 minutes.

  6. In a saucepan, stew rhubarb cubes for 15 minues, overlap the stips and cut according to desired geometric pattern.

  7. Spread sauce on the bottom of the pie and create pattern with rhubarb strips.

We totally love Vasseur’s photo-culinary blog Cdubeau. Check out more visual and taste treats, geographic and otherwise.

Celebrate the beauty of science with us all week on BeautifulNow. And be sure to check out World Science Festival 2016.


Read more about Beautiful Minds in Beautiful Discoveries Come to Prepared Minds & The Art of Observing How the Universe Works Now.

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Bauhaus Series.

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Romanesco Broccoli.


  1. Image: by Sakir Gökçebag. Geometric Food Art.
  2. Image: by Sakir Gökçebag. Geometric Food Art.
  3. Image: by Sakir Gökçebag. Geometric Food Art.
  4. Image: by Sakir Gökçebag. Geometric Food Art.
  5. Image: by Nicky Walsh, of Nicky & Max. Bauhaus Series.
  6. Image: by Nicky Walsh, of Nicky & Max. Bauhaus Series.
  7. Image: by Nicky Walsh, of Nicky & Max. Bauhaus Series.
  8. Image: by Nicky Walsh, of Nicky & Max. Bauhaus Series.
  9. Image: Courtesy of Cook Coquus. Romanesco Cauliflower.
  10. Image: by Laetitia Vasseur. Geometric Rhubarb Pie.
  11. Image: by Nicky Walsh, of Nicky & Max. Bauhaus Series.
  12. Image: by BN App - Download now!
  13. Image: by Ian Richardson. Romanesco Broccoli.